Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Observations on the Anthony Trial

Because of the probable blow back I want to state for the record that I neither followed closely the Casey Anthony trial nor do I know all the evidence that was introduced. I’m simply writing about the reaction and some passing thoughts I have on it. I in no way, shape, or form condone neglect of children in any way. Being a father myself, my stomach has been turned more than once at some of the theoretical ideas that have been floated as fact during this trial.

As anyone with any connection to the American public knows Casey Anthony was acquitted of murdering her daughter Caylee this morning. The reaction is overwhelming and interesting to say the least, especially for someone who works within the social media space. Here are a few of my observations:

Why do American’s spend more time watching these sensationalized trials than they do paying attention to what their elected leaders do? Yes, you can contend that the DA is an elected position but if you tell me that was why you were paying attention then you also might be guilty of lying.

Why when a verdict comes down that we don’t agree with do we shout that the system is broke? Why not blame the real people who created the issue, the DA’s team and the media. The DA didn’t do its job plain and simple people; they threw out a million dots but could not even connect 2 of them and I’m not the only one saying this. Their entire case was based on emotions not facts. These emotions then were played up by the ambulance chasing media who then threw around all kinds of wild and unfounded claims including incest. Oh yeah this is the same media many of your cried foul of when Lady Diana passed away only to buy that next edition of People and flip on TMZ when you walk in the door (Don’t get me started on this observation, it might take me weeks to layout for your viewing pleasure). The facts are there weren’t many the DA presented and then the media went crazy with its own version of the “facts” which everyone bought hook, line, and sinker.

What you hear on TV is not what you got to hear in court or what was admitted into evidence! It’s really simple, just because they say it on Inside Edition doesn’t make it so. I know this is a shock for some of you but it’s true. This jury cost hundreds of thousands in tax payer dollars to sequester in an attempt to give Casey a fair trial. What you should be mad about is that a team appointed by you the voters wasted time and the chance to find the truth by taking a half baked theory into the courtroom. They are the ones who wasted our time and dollars, not Casey and not the Anthony family. Any decent team of attorneys would have recognized right away that the evidence was circumstantial, would not hold water with a jury, yet the TV trucks were rolling in and the hype had already begun. Once again you the viewer forced the hand of a team that should have known better. Now the chance to convict Casey is forever gone because the DA simply failed to do its job.

Why is this being compared to the OJ trial? T Beyond the fact that both of these cases ended with acquittals there is not much else similar about them. African American male, prominent sports figure, TV personality, and endorser of many products we all bought versus a Caucasian female, no one knew before that first news story and living off the means of a single mother. What did I miss, are you dopes really that high on anger that you are trying to tie these two cases together?!?

Speaking of this point, why does this case all of a sudden further proof that the south or people from Florida are dumb? Last I checked the OJ case took place in LA. All over this great country bad verdicts are handed down every day; this is not regional people and to make it such makes you look just as ignorant as those you mean to poke fun at.

Finally, will murdering her, Casey, really make it all better? Murdering her you ask, yes, I’m talking about all those of you who have posted thoughts like; “she would have been safer in prison”, “wait till we get that baby killer on the street”, “she would be better off changing her name”, and other wimpy veiled threats that those making them should be ashamed of. No matter how you feel about any case or cause does an eye for an eye ever make it better? What happened to innocent till proven guilty? Just cause TMZ, Hollywood Insider, Inside Edition, talking heads on every major “news” station, and the magazines that have come to define our checkout existence say it doesn’t make it so. If something happens to Casey when she is released it will be a further sad example of how far we have fallen as a society and people.

In closing I write this not to stir the pot, troll for a reaction, or try to get some new followers to my seldom used blog. No my intent in writing it is to begin to challenge all of us to think before we speak. When I say think, I don’t mean that you wait 2 extra second before speaking either. As those who have read Freakonomics or Superfreakonomics know well, we as a society, America, have gotten into a bad habit of believing lies and rumors. We need to shut off our TV’s, stop reading only headlines, start to truly ask questions with the desire to know the answer, and redevelop the sense of wonder that made this a great country just a few short decades ago. Injustices are committed every day is this big bad world and many of them will never have a conclusion. However sensationalism, talking heads, and/or threatening violence against those you don’t agree with will never even solve one of these injustices. Only action, real action will help narrow the gap between justice and injustice, fact and fiction, living and existing. I for one will remember this day as another wake-up call from a life cut short and unfulfilled. That simple heart wrenching message though was missed by many of you in your haste to turn circumstance into crucifixion.


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