Monday, May 11, 2009

Play A Little Catch-Up and Laughs

Well so much for that once a week thing; I apologize. It was like you turn 30 and forget how to blog. You would know this is not the case though if you read the other blog or count Twitter into the category (micro-blogging) as I've been going crazy there. So here is the 411 on my last few weeks.....

1) My little brother Jared (college student or should I say X as he completed his associates this week, KUDOS) came to visit which really means skiing. We hit up Stevens in what was one of the most epic days to date. Steven's Pass hats off to you for the new lift ticket system!

2) The very next weekend was my 30th; Jesse, my other little brother (soldier), who had been in Iraq decided to show up with his girlfriend and surprise me that evening. I knew he had been back since early March but he had called to say they were both to beat to make it up. Needless to say I was stoked and we had a great evening of drinks with many friends. I appreciate all those of you that showed up who follow this; very touched by the large out pouring of friends to celebrate my b-day.

3) Then did I mention my day job; yeah for some reason all hell has broken loose. It's apparent that the Emperors has surrounded themselves with radio people instead of marketing people. Needless to say as the economy goes so will this business I call work at this time. It's been sad really but a stark reminder to never stop yearning for knowledge about new things.

4) The nice part of my day job is that I was asked to speak by Hip Cricket at the NAB Show in Vegas. I love speaking especially on panels in front of media types. The show is also a blast to walk and see what is next. Highlights for me where the 3D HDTV, 3D Audio, Interactive TV from Brazil, and holography. Crazy stuff to be sure.

5) Oh and there is the family, best for last the middle. Monica is an incredible mother and Avery is the blessing that keeps giving. For as crazy as my professional life has been the rewards of being a Father are my quiet (and sometimes not so quiet) resolution to keep getting it done every day.

6) Then last week my GM/VP got let go so that means a new boss and all kinds of new challenges. After two years of Radio one things has become apparent, the only sure thing is change. As with all change it can be for the best, just strap the smile on, roll up your sleeves and do the right things everyday. The rest will take care of itself.

7) This weekend was all about family. Mon's first Mother's Day, my Mom of course, and I got to catch up with my Sis which was a long time coming (phone). Then I spoke to Jesse who let me know he is engaged, crazy stuff, congrats to both he and Eden! I was also in charge to mashed potatoes and salad for Mother's Day dinner at my in-laws. Jared then called to tell me he has completed his associates which has been his goal all along. Finally my Dad called and told me that my cousin Emily was being air lifted to AL. Back story or if you want to read more but in a nutshell; my cousin (oldest daughter of my Dad's twin brother) Emily was born with CF and has defied all odds. In the last few years she had gotten married and had a child which if you know about CF is beyond comprehension. Last year she had to have a lung transplant and the best hospital in the country for this is at UAB in Birmingham AL. Thus her being transported there. They thought her body might be rejecting the lung transplant but I heard from my uncle tonight they feel it is an infection which is treatable. If you could say a prayer, send good thoughts, or give her a few minutes of thought I'd greatly appreciate it. She has been a miracle in front of my eyes my whole life and I'm not ready to have that taken away just yet.

So that catches you up, damn that is a lot. So in order to give you your full JD fill here is a few of the best things I've seen recently.

This poster kills me, I'd love to have it on the wall of my office. Can you imagine seeing people actually read it and their expression. Classic comedy!

Once again the SNL boys hit it out of the park with this little ditty.

This is my favorite new website:

My guiltiest but funniest read of a lifetime has to be Tucker Max's "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell". While I do not condone this type of sexually deviant behavior while putting down women, I do have female friends that have read the book and enjoy it just as much! He is also a great follow on Twitter.

Twitter hint for this blog (if you have not made the leap do it but thats not the hint) use Tweet Deck. It's freaking awesome. Build a group called Friends and put in all the real people you know. It makes you an awesome follower on Twitter but also keeps you in tune with those closest to you.

That's a wrap, see ya next time.


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