Friday, March 20, 2009

....And they say YouTube only has crappy music

A friend told me about this today and all I can say is WOW. This is someone who is taking all the crappy music video's on YouTube and making them into truly unique art forms.

Thanks Kevin!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Never to early to think about your Fantasy Football draft

Incredible new marketing campaign for Fantasy Football Season 09, its never to early to start your draft board.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March Madness 2030

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Couple of Sports Vids

It's been a long week and tonight is the first opportunity I've had to surf the net. I found a few sports video's that need to be shared. I'll give my thoughts and then embed each one.

Hate Christian Laettner but this ad is great.

Who said the handicapped kids play nice. This might be a sign of the end of days.

Kobe give out ankle insurance, classic.

And then finally I would be remiss if I left off the best pre-game shots I've seen in years. And both happened in the same week.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Favorite New Video..... Plus Car Ad That Works

So this first video was sent to me a few months ago and it keeps me laughing every time I see it. I wanted to memorialize it on my blog for safe keeps. Hope it brings are many tears, smiles, and belly laughs to all of you.

This second video is from the same portal online (if you are not a member I highly recommend you buy one) and also has my office rolling. I think I’m going to whip it out as a great idea in my next car dealer creative session. LOL

Sleep Running

Think we have all had dogs that dream but this poor guy takes it to a whole new level. Damn Big Yellow, slow down!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Madoff's Whistle Blower

This evening I got the rare chance to see 60 Minutes and found the interview on Harry Markopolos very interesting. More than that I found it scary; Harry’s closing remarks about the SEC is downright scary. Hope you will all take the time to hear what he has to stay.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Tenacity = An Unrivaled Skill

Ran across this article, 10 Fortune 500 Companies That Started With Next To Nothing; what an awesome read for anyone who has ever put themselves out there and not seen immediate results. This underscores the fact that tenacity is one of the best skills you can learn, pass on, or mentor someone in. It could be the key to turning around this tough economic time. As a good friend of mine who was recently laid off says, “When going through hell, keep going”. Bet you a shinny nickel these company founders would echo this statement.