Saturday, February 28, 2009
Help Koy4Goff!
Spam Crackdown Threatens Koy4Goff's Penis Enlarger, Free iPod Industry
Now don't just sit there, go open some spam and tell this administration no trash can off the coast of NY. I thought this was suppose to be the green President. Seriously, go open that penis email on Monday. Save Koy4Goff!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Unreal block.....To bad they called a foul.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sony's POS
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Take a moment..... be touched, inspired, challenged, and blessed by an incredible man and father, Randy Pausch. This has personally done all of those things and much more for me.
10 minute version
1 hour and 16 minute version

Monday, February 16, 2009
Video Game Preview
Oops! LOL
Baldwin spoofs the Wii
This reminds me of one of my other favorite video's of all time.
That poor guy lives on forever and Alec again brings a laugh.
What is Twitter?
Hope this helps many of you who are thinking about making the Twitter jump, join me at my Twitter.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A heart broken kid......
Today came the harshest blow; Lance Armstrong announced he is suspending his drug testing program because it is to expensive and logistically challenging. WTF, pardon my French, I thought they were trying to screw him! If you have been swept up in the dream, Lance has told us that the French are evil and out to get him. And now this!
Today is easier for me than many of my friends who still have not come to terms with the fact that Lance had been cheating. Evidence you ask, well don't Google it, put it into ESPN, or pretty much any other web resource. His PR team should be praise and hired by A-Rod ASAP. Those searches would make it hard to think anything but that Lance is Super Man. So you ask for fact (and b/c I'm to tired to research it all here is the loose facts, prove me wrong), here they are:
1) Lance won 7 consecutive Tour de France's (in the meantime he was able to villeinize America's first cycling king of my lifetime, Greg Lemond)
2) In numerous consecutive years Jan Ulrich finished 2nd to Lance.
3) In 2008, the first year of HGH testing or for that matter any real drug testing of any kind Jan Ulrich was kicked out for doping.
4) Additionally 5-9 cyclist that finished behind Lance in those 7 years was kicked out.
5) Lance has been tied to tainted drug test before (insert Evil French chant here)
6) Lance retired after 7 b/c he was old and only won his last one by a hair........OK, OK, OK was just making sure you were paying attention,.....ready, he retired because new testing had been announced.
7) He takes a few years off, talks to other riders, figures out what they are doing, and says I'm coming back with drug testing by a third party.
8) First return event, gets his ass whipped and finishes 64th.
9) Once that leave the medias attention he announces that he is suspending his drug testing program (because Nike and his numerous other sponsors are paying him peanuts and logistics is really still an issue in today connected world).
I'm sorry, first Rose, then McGwire and Sosa, then Clemens and Pettite, and Palmeiro and Tejada...... Then this week we get A-Rod. And oh by the way while you were reading about baseball Lance stops his testing. I love the media coverage, ESPN has one paragraph and then it was off their front page in less then 2 hours. Even if you searched "Lance Armstrong" you had to put in "suspend drug testing" to find the story, now with a little more color I might add. Google his name and get nothing but praise. You would think this guy keeps the Earth on its axis.
Today I face the fact that sports as I know them have been a sham, and it breaks my heart. Shame on all of you and shame on you for putting your wallets in front of your virtues. You are no better than the bankers, brokers, and business men that tater the news in today's economic crisis. In my opinion you have been stealing from me every time I have bought a ticket, watched an event, or otherwise. Sports is just a microcosm of society people say, screw that, sports is a microcosm of the Madoff scheme.
How do you solve it? Start throwing people in jail like you do all the street thugs and petty drug criminals. Abolish the double standard, make perjury a real crime, throw in jail those that ran leagues that by not acting endorsed drug use, tell unions that this is not negotiable, and centralize all sports drug testing in one central agency so that new PED's can be identified earlier. Finally make one failed drug test an automatic life time ban and void any Hall of Fame eligibility. Put teeth in so that we as sports fans can go back to what we love; rooting for our sports teams and believing in a level playing field.
But like most idealistic things, I'm sure these ideas will be ignored and this kid will be forever heart broken.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Is Google Analytics really helping?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Economy of Free... Did it to us?
My commitment to you, the reader……
There are no more 9 to 5’s
WOW this economy thing has us all down right now and the fear is spreading like wild fire. Today I have more friends out of work than at any other point in my life. Many of these individuals are highly educated, were top performers within their respective companies, and even mentored me during my career. It’s left me asking myself, how do I keep my job? This question came to me several weeks ago and I began to watch those around me. I have come to the following conclusion; damn is our sense of entitlement as a country killing us.
Read my lips, there are no more 9-5’s! Last day was June 1, 2008 but many of you are still treating your job like it is 2005. Wake up, shake yourself, and begin to realize how fortunate you are to have a paying position right now. Begin to think about your job and co-workers in two groups; those who do and those who don’t. Those who do will remain employed (and most likely ascend the corporate ladder as companies scramble to find solution leaders) and those that don’t, well I don’t have to say it, you get my point.
Begin to over communicate with your direct report and if you can open a dialogue to your bosses boss. Champion your victories, take full accountability for your failures, play well with others and become a moral leader in your organization (never stop smiling, it goes a lot further than you think especially in a world starving for good news). Stop thinking about the clock and start thinking about your task list, it may call for your to work numerous extra hours over the next few months. These steps will insure that when/if deeper cuts come this year you are not on the chopping block.
For those of you still wanting to get home at 5 so you can walk the dog, cook dinner, meet for happy hour, or the other numerous excuses I hear from people working the 9-5 dream; don’t blame me when your dream becomes an unemployment nightmare. Once again, I told you so.
Are you part of the “do” minority or are you part of the “don’t” majority?!?